arena-unity Runtime
The ArenaUnity package can be used to build new interfaces to collaboratively connect and edit ARENA scenes. Be sure to use the project setup instructions to install the package. For the Editor
interface, see the ARENA Unity Editor instructions.
- The
.NET 4.x
API level is required since ARENA JSON payloads are fluid, and we cannot keep up with schema serialization definitions by developers and users. So we use thedynamic
object instantiations offered in the .Net 4 API to test for JSON attributes at runtime. - ArenaClientScene is a Singleton class, meant to be instantiated only once to control the auth and MQTT communication flow.
- ArenaObject is a class for each GameObjects to publish to the ARENA, accessing the publish and subscribe MQTT methods through ArenaClientScene.Instance.
will manage attachingArenaObject
to Unity GameObjects for you.
The example code below contains both synchronous and asynchronous APIs, so please plan your application events accordingly.
using System.Collections;
using ArenaUnity;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class ArenaTestButton : MonoBehaviour
public Button toggle, beginner, advanced;
bool lastConnectState = false;
void Start()
Debug.Log("ArenaTestButton started...");
private void OnEnable()
toggle.onClick.AddListener(() => StartCoroutine(ButtonCallback(toggle)));
beginner.onClick.AddListener(() => StartCoroutine(ButtonCallback(beginner)));
advanced.onClick.AddListener(() => StartCoroutine(ButtonCallback(advanced)));
private void Update()
ArenaClientScene scene = ArenaClientScene.Instance;
if (scene && toggle)
if (scene.mqttClientConnected != lastConnectState)
Debug.Log($"mqttClientConnected changed = {scene.mqttClientConnected}");
if (scene.mqttClientConnected)
ColorBlock cb = toggle.colors;
cb.normalColor =;
cb.highlightedColor =;
toggle.colors = cb;
ColorBlock cb = toggle.colors;
cb.normalColor = Color.white;
cb.highlightedColor = Color.white;
toggle.colors = cb;
lastConnectState = scene.mqttClientConnected;
/// <summary>
/// Example callback for demo button clicks.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="button"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
IEnumerator ButtonCallback(Button button)
Debug.Log($"Clicked {}...");
ArenaClientScene scene = ArenaClientScene.Instance;
scene.authType = ArenaMqttClient.Auth.Anonymous;
scene.hostAddress = "";
scene.namespaceName = "public";
scene.sceneName = "example";
if (!scene) yield break;
if (button == toggle)
if (scene.mqttClientConnected)
yield return new WaitUntil(() => !scene.mqttClientConnected);
Debug.Log("toggle now disconnected...");
yield return new WaitUntil(() => scene.mqttClientConnected);
Debug.Log("toggle now connected...");
else if (button == beginner)
Debug.Log("ArenaUnityBeginnerDemo started...");
else if (button == advanced)
Debug.Log("ArenaUnityAdvancedDemo started...");
/// <summary>
/// Demonstrate basic usage of the ArenaUnity package.
/// </summary>
IEnumerator ArenaUnityBeginnerDemo()
// Only one singleton connection instance allowed per application.
ArenaClientScene scene = ArenaClientScene.Instance;
scene.authType = ArenaMqttClient.Auth.Anonymous;
// Set the ARENA webserver main host address, default: "".
scene.hostAddress = "";
// Set the namespace name for the scene, default: [your ARENA username].
// For google authentication, this is set automatically on login and unnecessary when using your own username.
scene.namespaceName = "public";
// Set the scene name for the scene, default: "example".
scene.sceneName = "example";
// Authenticate flow, MQTT connection flow, and Persistence download flow.
// This will execute an asynchronous coroutine thread for these flows.
yield return new WaitUntil(() => scene.mqttClientConnected);
// Display the web browser GUI client URL, set after MQTT connection flow completes.
Debug.Log($"Scene URL: {scene.sceneUrl}");
// Create GameObject, and add ArenaObject script to manage updates, it will automatically send an MQTT create message
GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
ArenaObject arenaObject = cube.AddComponent(typeof(ArenaObject)) as ArenaObject;
// Change the parent/name/transform, it will automatically send an MQTT update message
cube.transform.rotation = UnityEngine.Random.rotation;
// Publish a custom event under this client's "camera" object
scene.PublishEvent(, "my-custom-event-type", scene.camid, "{\"my-attribute\": \"my-custom-attribute\"}");
// Publish a fully formed json object update message
const string payload = "{\"object_id\":\"scene-options\",\"persist\":true,\"type\":\"scene-options\",\"action\":\"update\",\"data\":{\"env-presets\":{\"ground\":\"none\"}}}";
scene.PublishObject("scene-options", payload);
// Instantiate the callback for all messages.
scene.OnMessageCallback = MessageCallback;
// Manually ingest a message, not received from MQTT subscriber
scene.ProcessMessage("realm/s/public/example/scene-options", payload);
/// <summary>
/// A delegate method used as a callback to go some special handling on incoming messages.
/// </summary>
public static void MessageCallback(string topic, string message)
Debug.LogFormat("Message received on topic {0}: {1}", topic, message);
/// <summary>
/// Demonstrate advanced usage of the ArenaUnity package.
/// </summary>
IEnumerator ArenaUnityAdvancedDemo()
// Create a simple arena mqtt client and send receive messages.
GameObject gobj = new GameObject("Arena Mqtt Client Advanced");
MyArenaClient client = gobj.AddComponent(typeof(MyArenaClient)) as MyArenaClient;
// Setup a connection using a custom namespace and anonymous authentication.
client.hostAddress = "";
client.authType = ArenaMqttClient.Auth.Anonymous;
// Alternate, Manual auth: Store any local jwt tokens here, before auth starts.
// Derive the local path from the next line.
// string localMqttPath = Path.Combine(client.appFilesPath, ".arena_mqtt_auth");
// client.authType = ArenaMqttClient.Auth.Manual;
// Authenticate flow, MQTT connection flow.
yield return new WaitUntil(() => client.mqttClientConnected);
// Display the MQTT JWT permission payload/claims, set after authentication flow completes.
Debug.Log($"Permissions: {client.permissions}");
// Custom MQTT pub/sub
string[] topics = new string[] { "my/custom/topic/#" };
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);
client.Publish("my/custom/topic/channel/device-888", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("some payload"));
// MQTT disconnect
public class MyArenaClient : ArenaMqttClient
public void ConnectArena()
// start auth flow and MQTT connection
// Directly override the incoming message handler.
protected override void DecodeMessage(string topic, byte[] message)
Debug.LogFormat("Message received on topic {0}: {1}", topic, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message));