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Torus Knot

Draw a Torus Knot primitive mesh geometry. Torus Knot is tube shaped into a knot shape.

Instantiate a wacky torusKnot, then turn it blue. Other primitive types are available in the in A-Frame docs. Here is a brief list: box circle cone cylinder dodecahedron icosahedron tetrahedron octahedron plane ring sphere torus torusKnot triangle.

Additional Python properties are available in the TorusKnot API Reference.

from arena import *

scene = Scene(host="", scene="example")

def make_torusknot():
    my_torusknot = TorusKnot(
        position=(0, 5, -3),
        scale=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
        material=Material(color=(0, 100, 40)),
