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GLTF Model Update

Besides applying standard rotation and position attributes to the center-point of the GLTF model, the individual child components can also be manually manipulated.

The GLTF-specific modelUpdate attribute is an object with child component names as keys. The top-level keys are the names of the child components to be updated. The values of each are nested position and rotation attributes to set as new values, respectively. Either position or rotation can be omitted if unchanged.

Additional Python properties are available in the ModelUpdate API Reference.

from arena import *

scene = Scene(host="", scene="example")

# joint names might need some characters removed like ':' from 'mixamorig:LeftShoulder'
modelUpdate = {
    "mixamorigLeftShoulder": {
        "position": {"x": 1, "y": 0, "z": 0},
        "rotation": {"x": 1, "y": 0, "z": 0, "w": 0},
    "mixamorigRightLeg": {
        "rotation": {"x": -0.7, "y": 0, "z": 0, "w": 0.7},

def make_model_update():
    model_update = GLTF(
        position=(0, 2, -3),
