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URL Parameters

For advanced users, the ARENA accepts URL parameters to override some internal defaults. These are passed in the address bar, after the scene name, e.g.:

URL Beginner

The Scenes page includes a set of easy checkboxes to change more common URL parameters you may want to use:

  1. Click My Scenes and select your scene name.
  2. Click Scene URL Options and check the boxes you need.
  3. Change scene permissions if needed.
  4. Use the buttons to enter the scene or copy the scene link with parameters to share with others.

URL Advanced

The following URL parameters are accepted, beginner or advanced. The advanced parameters may have performance consequences that beginners may want to avoid.

Parameter Type Level Description
armode bool beginner Instantly enter AR mode, and Do not load models with hide-on-enter-ar (allows opening scenes with large models that are not visible in AR).
ATLASurl string advanced URL of ATLAS (e.g. ATLASurl=//
auth string beginner Save the authentication method for the browser session (e.g. auth=anonymous, or auth=google)
build3d bool advanced Load A-Frame Inspector with MQTT publish support.
camFollow string advanced Force camera pose to the same as a named object-id (e.g. camFollow=Box123ObjectName)
camUpdateIntervalMs string advanced Minimum camera update interval in milliseconds (e.g. camUpdateIntervalMs=100)
confstats bool advanced Enable logging to MQTT of conference quality stats.
demoMode bool beginner Removal of screen settings and chat buttons overlay from scene.
fixedCamera string advanced Sets the camera name to the given value and enables VIO output to realm/vio/scene-name/camera-name ; fixedCamera=iPhone will set the camera name exactly to the given value (not add any prefix/suffix)
hudstats bool advanced Render a HUD of performance/memory stats.
lat float advanced Override device location; (e.g. lat=40.4427)
long float advanced Override device location; (e.g. long=79.9430)
mqttHost string advanced Override MQTT host address (e.g.
name string advanced Set user name (e.g. name=MyName)
noav bool beginner Disables videoconferencing for this browser only.
noname bool beginner Handles display of user name on the screen. False: (default) display the user name. True: Do not display the user name.
noreticle bool beginner In AR, change the reticle ring to transparent when true, gray when false (default).
objectId string advanced Used with build3d param to focus Inspector omn the named object-id.
scene string advanced Set scene name (e.g. scene=AScene)
skipav bool beginner Skips the webcam, speaker, microphone setup modal. Attempts to use previously selected devices, or system defaults
startCoords string advanced User starting x, y, z coordinates in the 3D environment (e.g. startCoords=0,1.6,0)
startLastPos bool beginner User starts at the last position recorded on this browser (saved per heartbeat in localStorage)
vr bool beginner Do not load models with hide-on-enter-vr (allows opening scenes with large models that are not visible in VR).