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arena-py API v1.3.0


StaticBody attribute class to manage its properties in the ARENA: A fixed-position or animated object. Other objects may collide with static bodies, but static bodies themselves are unaffected by gravity and collisions. More properties at A-Frame Physics System. Usage: static_body=StaticBody(...)

  • str cylinderAxis: Override default axis of bounding cylinder. Requires shape: cylinder. Allows [x, y, z] Defaults to 'y' (optional)
  • str shape: Body components will attempt to find an appropriate CANNON.js shape to fit your model. When defining an object you may choose a shape or leave the default, auto. Select a shape carefully, as there are performance implications with different choices. Allows [auto, box, cylinder, sphere, hull, none] Defaults to 'auto' (optional)
  • float sphereRadius: Override default radius of bounding sphere. Requires shape: sphere. NaN by default. (optional)
  • str type: Define the result of collisions. Dynamic can be moved, Static cannot be moved. Allows [dynamic, static] Defaults to 'static' (optional)