Hand is the (left or right) hand metadata pose and controller type of the user avatar.
The following source code was mirrored from the arena-py
hands.py example.
from arena import *
scene = Scene(host="arenaxr.org", scene="example")
def hand_found_callback(scene, hand, msg):
print("Controller Found:", hand.object_id, "| User:", hand.camera.object_id)
def hand_remove_callback(scene, hand, msg):
print("Controller Removed:", hand.object_id, "| User:", hand.camera.object_id)
def user_join_callback(scene, user, msg):
print("User Joined:", user.object_id)
user.hand_found_callback = hand_found_callback
user.hand_remove_callback = hand_remove_callback
scene.user_join_callback = user_join_callback