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URDF Model

Load a URDF model.

See guidance to store paths under ARENA File Store, CDN, or DropBox.

Additional Python properties are available in the UrdfModel API Reference.

import math
import time

import numpy as np

from arena import *

# setup library
scene = Scene(host="", scene="example")

# make a model
athlete_model = UrdfModel(
    position=(0, 2.35, -7),
    rotation=(90, 0, 0),

def main():
    # add the model

def bend_joints():
    # animate the legs
    joints = []
    t = time.time() * 1000 / 3**2
    for i in range(1, 6 + 1):

        offset = i * math.pi / 3
        ratio = max(0, math.sin(t + offset))

        joints.append(f"HP{i}:{np.interp(ratio, [0, 1], [30, 0])}")
        joints.append(f"KP{i}:{np.interp(ratio, [0, 1], [90, 150])}")
        joints.append(f"AP{i}:{np.interp(ratio, [0, 1], [-30, -60])}")

    # update joints
    athlete_model.update_attributes(joints=", ".join(joints))

# start tasks