Performance Driven Animated Faces
Here are some notes gathered to understand how to understand and create facial animations for the ARENA with blendshapes and other model formats.
- Practice and Theory of Blendshape Facial Models [1]. It’s a good starting point, with a nice overview of how blendshape works.
- Blend Shape Interpolation and FACS for Realistic Avatar [2] (Facial Action Coding)
- Face Scan App (developers)
- Face Cap App (product)
How do we get models into the ARENA?
- Models are ASCII FBX with text file for the rigging sequence.
- Convert ASCII FBX -> Binary FBX with:
- AutoDesk FAILED?! Use this instead:
- Convert Binary FBX to GLTF with blendshape animations:
How do we go from landmarks to expressions?
- Feature points based facial animation retargeting [3]
- Facial Landmark Detection: A Literature Survey [4]
- Faces Learned with an Articulated Model and Expressions:
- Early Hao Li project on using ML to do face rigging.
- Very cool web demo:
[1] Lewis, J.P., Anjyo, K., Rhee, T., Zhang, M., Pighin, F.H., & Deng, Z. (2014). Practice and Theory of Blendshape Facial Models. Eurographics.
[2] Alkawaz, M.H., Mohamad, D.B., Basori, A.H., & Saba, T. (2015). Blend Shape Interpolation and FACS for Realistic Avatar. 3D Research, 6, 1-10.
[3] Dutreve, L., Meyer, A., & Bouakaz, S. (2008). Feature points based facial animation retargeting. Virtual Reality Software and Technology.
[4] Wu, Y., & Ji, Q. (2018). Facial Landmark Detection: A Literature Survey. International Journal of Computer Vision, 127, 115-142.