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Build Notes

For All Platforms Debug Notes

  1. Follow the startup project setup.
  2. Edit > Project Settings > Player: Create a meaningful Package Name like com.companyname.appname
    • Company Name: companyname (sample)
    • Product Name: appname (sample)
  3. Edit > Project Settings > Player > Graphics > Video:
    • Always Included Shaders to include:
      • Standard
      • Unlit/Color
      • glTF/PbrMetallicRoughness
      • glTF/PbrSpecularGlossiness
      • glTF/Unlit

Mobile Platforms Debug Notes

  1. Install a good device debug logging package to your project like LunarConsole.

Android Debug Notes

Tested on Android 10 (API 29).

  1. Edit > Project Settings > Player > iOS > Identification: Override default if desired:
    • Package Name: com.companyname.appname (sample)
  2. Edit > Project Settings > Player > Android > Other Settings > Identification:
    • Minimum API Level: at least API 24 (for XR/ARCore).
  3. Edit > Project Settings > Player > Android > Other Settings > Configuration::
    • Api Compatibility Level to: .NET 4.x.
    • Install Location to: Automatic or Force Internal.
    • Internet Access to: Require.
    • Write Permission to: Internal.
  4. Edit > Project Settings > Player > Android > Other Settings > Script Compilation:
    • Scripted Define Symbols to include:
      • SSL
  5. Switch platform to Android and Build and Run the app to generate the proper Android app data files folder.
  6. [Daily Temporary]: Switch platform to PC, Mac & Linux Standalone.
  7. [Daily Temporary]: Click the Play button to update the MQTT Token for the desktop.
  8. [Daily Temporary]: Either…
    • Run the bash script ./Tests/Auth/ com.companyname.appname to copy the desktop MQTT auth token to the Android app file storage.
    • Use Windows Explorer or MacOS Android File Transfer to copy the file .arena_mqtt_auth from desktop path~/.arena/unity/ to device path /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.companyname.appname/files/.arena_mqtt_auth.
  9. Switch platform to Android and Build and Run the app.
  10. The library will use a local file if it exists for auth at: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.companyname.appname/files/.arena_mqtt_auth.
  11. [Eventually]: To use the default Android-only auth flow, remove this local token from the device with ./Tests/Auth/ com.companyname.appname.

iOS Debug Notes

Tested on iOS 15. NOTE: iOS builds are currently non-functional at runtime due to use of dynamic objects as they won’t cross-compile. Status:

  1. Edit > Project Settings > Player > iOS > Identification: Override default if desired:
    • Bundle Identifier: com.companyname.appname (sample)
  2. Edit > Project Settings > Player > iOS > Other Settings > Configuration::
    • Api Compatibility Level to: .NET 4.x.
    • Camera Usage Description: something like Using iOS camera for ARENA AR.
    • Target minimum iOS Version: to 11.0.
    • Requires ARKit support: to Yes.
  3. Edit > Project Settings > Player > iOS > Other Settings > Script Compilation:
    • Scripted Define Symbols to include:
      • SSL
  4. Switch platform to iOS and Build and Run the app to generate the proper iOS app data files folder.
  5. [Daily Temporary]: Switch platform to PC, Mac & Linux Standalone.
  6. [Daily Temporary]: Click the Play button to update the MQTT Token for the desktop.
  7. [Daily Temporary]: Use iTunes File Sharing or Windows Explorer or MacOS Finder to copy the file .arena_mqtt_auth from desktop path~/.arena/unity/ to device path appname/.arena_mqtt_auth.
  8. Switch platform to iOS and Build and Run the app.
  9. The library will use a local file if it exists for auth at the iOS appname Files path: appname/.arena_mqtt_auth.
  10. [Eventually]: To use the default iOS-only auth flow, remove this local token from the device by using Windows Explorer or MacOS Finder to delete this entire folder appname from your device.