arena-py API v1.3.0
arena .attributes .gltf_model_lod
GltfModelLod attribute class to manage its properties in the ARENA: Simple switch between the default gltf-model and a detailed one when a user camera is within specified distance
Usage: gltf_model_lod=GltfModelLod(...)
- float detailedDistance: At what distance to switch between the models. Defaults to '10' (optional)
- str detailedUrl: Alternative 'detailed' gltf model to load by URL. Defaults to '' (optional)
- bool retainCache: Whether to skip freeing the detailed model from browser cache (default false). Defaults to 'False' (optional)
- float updateRate: How often user camera is checked for LOD (default 333ms). Defaults to '333' (optional)