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The material properties of the object’s surface.

More properties at A-Frame Material.

Material Attributes

Attribute Type Default Description Required
alphaTest number 0 Alpha test threshold for transparency. No
anisotropy number 0 The anisotropic filtering sample rate to use for the textures. A value of 0 means the default value will be used, see renderer. No
blending string; One of: ['none', 'normal', 'additive', 'subtractive', 'multiply'] 'normal' The blending mode for the material’s RGB and Alpha sent to the WebGLRenderer. No
color string '#ffffff' Base diffuse color. No
combine string; One of: ['mix', 'add', 'multiply'] 'mix' How the environment map mixes with the material. Requires shader: phong. No
depthTest boolean True Whether depth testing is enabled when rendering the material. No
depthWrite boolean True Render when depth test succeeds. No
dithering boolean True Whether material is dithered with noise. Removes banding from gradients like ones produced by lighting. No
emissive string '#000000' The color of the emissive lighting component. Used to make objects produce light even without other lighting in the scene. Requires shader: standard or phong No
emissiveIntensity number 1 Intensity of the emissive lighting component. Requires shader: standard or phong No
flatShading boolean False Use THREE.FlatShading rather than THREE.StandardShading. No
fog boolean True Whether or not material is affected by fog. No
height integer 256 Height of video (in pixels), if defining a video texture. Requires shader: standard or flat. No
metalness number 0 How metallic the material is from 0 to 1. Requires shader: standard. No
npot boolean False Use settings for non-power-of-two (NPOT) texture. No
offset vector2 {'x': 0, 'y': 0} Texture offset to be used. No
opacity number 1 Extent of transparency. If the transparent property is not true, then the material will remain opaque and opacity will only affect color. No
reflectivity number 0.9 How much the environment map affects the surface. Requires shader: phong. No
refract boolean False Whether the defined envMap should refract. Requires shader: phong. No
refractionRatio number 0.98 1/refractive index of the material. Requires shader: phong. No
repeat vector2 {'x': 1, 'y': 1} How many times a texture (defined by src) repeats in the X and Y direction. No
roughness number 0 How rough the material is from 0 to 1. A rougher material will scatter reflected light in more directions than a smooth material. Requires shader: standard. No
shader string; One of: ['flat', 'standard', 'phong'] 'standard' Which material to use. Defaults to the standard material. Can be set to the flat material or to a registered custom shader material. No
shininess number 30 How shiny the specular highlight is; a higher value gives a sharper highlight. Requires shader: phong. No
side string; One of: ['front', 'back', 'double'] 'front' Which sides of the mesh to render. No
specular string '#111111' This defines how shiny the material is and the color of its shine. Requires shader: phong. No
src string   URI, relative or full path of an image/video file. e.g. ‘store/users/wiselab/images/360falls.mp4’. No
toneMapped boolean True Whether to ignore toneMapping, set to false you are using renderer.toneMapping and an element should appear to emit light. Requires shader: flat. No
transparent boolean False Whether material is transparent. Transparent entities are rendered after non-transparent entities. No
vertexColorsEnabled boolean False Whether to use vertex or face colors to shade the material. No
visible boolean True Whether material is visible. Raycasters will ignore invisible materials. No
width integer 512 Width of video (in pixels), if defining a video texture. Requires shader: standard or flat. No
wireframe boolean False Whether to render just the geometry edges. No
wireframeLinewidth integer 2 Width in px of the rendered line. No