User Callbacks
is called whenever the library detects/finds a new user that it hasn’t seen before in a scene.
Note: this is not necessarily called when a user “joins” a scene, rather, it is called when the library first sees a Camera
object/receives an “update” message from a user.
is called whenever a user leaves a scene/sends a delete message.
from arena import *
scene = Scene(host="", scene="example")
def user_join_callback(scene, camera, msg):
print(f"User found: {camera.displayName} [object_id={camera.object_id}]")
##Get access to user state
# camera is a Camera class instance (see Objects)
# etc.
def user_left_callback(scene, camera, msg):
print(f"User left: {camera.displayName} [object_id={camera.object_id}]")
# Get access to user state
# camera is a Camera class instance (see Objects)
# etc.
scene.user_join_callback = user_join_callback
scene.user_left_callback = user_left_callback