Say the box has already been drawn. In a second command, this sets 50% transparency.
To draw a shape that is transparent, but occludes other virtual objects behind it (to simulate virtual objects hidden by real world surfaces like a wall or table), include in the data section this JSON.
{ “material”: { “colorWrite”: false }, “render-order”: “0” }
…or a shortcut for the same occlusion, you can use…
{ “material-extras”: { “transparentOccluder”: true } }
is an attribute of the THREE.js Shader Material that, by exposing it, we make accessible like others belonging to the Material A-Frame Component, and is an alternative way of controlling visibility. render-order
is a custom Component that controls which objects are drawn first (not necessarily the same as which are “in front of” others). All other ARENA objects are drawn with render-order of 1.
This does not occlude the far background A-Frame layer (like environment component stars) but, in AR, that layer is not drawn anyway.
The material properties of the object’s surface.
More properties at A-Frame Material.
Additional Python properties are available in the Material API Reference.
The following source code was mirrored from the arena-py example.
from arena import *
scene = Scene(host="", scene="example")
material = Material(
def make_transparent_plane():
my_plane = Plane(
position=(0, 2, -5),
scale=(4.0, 4.0, 4.0),