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ARENA Library Scene Callbacks

Library supported callback functions.

Adding callbacks when you instantiate the class

You can also add callbacks like so:

from arena import *

def on_msg_callback(scene, obj, msg):

def new_obj_callback(scene, obj, msg):

def delete_obj_callback(scene, obj, msg):

scene = Scene(..., on_msg_callback=on_msg_callback, new_obj_callback=new_obj_callback, delete_obj_callback=delete_obj_callback)

Custom Message Callbacks

If you need to use an MQTT client, the Scene object exposes a way to use its MQTT client to subscribe to custom topics.

def led_toggle(client, userdata, msg):
    # do stuff here

scene.message_callback_add("custom/control/light", led_toggle)

Scene callbacks

There are a number of scene callbacks you can use in the table of contents below.

Table of contents